Services dedicated to you
To an experience full of tranquillity
The perfect rendezvous between the full well-being of body and mind is here. Services at your disposal so you can fully enjoy your stay.
Wi-Fi in every part of the hotel
Flexible cancellation: up to 72 hours before, at no cost
Flexible cancellation: up to 72 hours before, at no cost
24-hour reception
24-hour room service
24-hour room service
External laundry and dry cleaning service
External laundry and dry cleaning service
Footwear cleaning
Transfer management
Check in from 2.00pm
Check-out: at 12 noon
Check in from 2.00pm
Check-out: at 12 noon
Check-out: at 12 noon
Reduced mobility room
Reduced mobility room
Not allowed. For suggestions of hotels for animals, please contact the reception.